
K-12 New Teacher Network

A unique teacher program that provides resources and support to educators new to the profession.

Over 50% of teachers leave education within their first five years, but a recent study shows first-year turnover is cut by more than half with mentoring, collaboration, extra resources, and a strong teacher network.

Help Your New Teachers Thrive

We know teachers are among a school’s most precious and valuable resources, so of course, we want to set them up for success. But an individual school can only do so much. And new teachers don’t always feel comfortable seeking support from their in-house peers. So, we’re bringing new teachers together by offering them a supportive network and individualized guidance so they can thrive in their new roles!

Registration information for the 2024-2025 school year is coming soon.

Flexible PD Program for Busy New Teachers

VAI’s New Teacher Network allows beginning teachers to receive the targeted support they need as they get started in the profession. By learning great content, sharing their experiences, and receiving validation from their network, teachers can grow as people and as professionals.

We know teachers are busy, especially new teachers, so VAI’s New Teacher Network offers a variety of modalities for learning.

Every registration includes:

Online meetings

These one-hour online meetings offer an opportunity for this inclusive community of new teachers to learn with and from one another. We’ll focus on those topics most critical to new teacher success:

2024-2025 schedule is coming soon:

  • Classroom Management (1 SCECH) – View sample agenda
  • Authentic Learning (1 SCECH)
  • Engagement Strategies  (1 SCECH)
  • Avoiding Burnout (1 SCECH)
  • Social Emotional Learning (1 SCECH)

Monthly curated resources

VAI’s New Teacher Network newsletter curates practical resources and offers advice for how the resources can save new teachers time and elevate their instructional effectiveness.

Ongoing coaching and mentorship

Between sessions, teachers will have the opportunity to engage one-on-one with a knowledgeable and experienced educator, who can answer their questions and share ideas about the specific challenges they are encountering.

Built-in accountability

Each session will include an action plan for teachers to make targeted decisions on how to put the newly-learned content to use right away.

Our Approach

Teachers need a network of other educators who, like them, are braving this career for the first time. That’s where we come in. VAI’s New Teacher Network creates an inclusive community that:

  • Tackles hot topics in education and provides practical strategies to address them in creative and innovative ways.
  • Provides resources to encourage new teachers’ professional growth and support their work in the classroom.
  • Acknowledges the challenges that new teachers face and seeks out solutions to address these both positively and professionally.
  • Creates a safe place for teachers to share their experiences in a supportive environment.
  • Offers individualized support with expert coaches that can address new teachers’ specific classroom challenges.
  • Connects teachers from across schools and districts, so that they can share best practices and learn from one another.
  • Fosters their passion so they can do what they set out to do in the most effective way – TEACH!

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