Technologies and Tools
Technology Transfer
Business Development and Technology Transfer supports the Institute’s mission by promoting the use of our research results and discoveries for public benefit.
We remove barriers to the exchange of information and research materials so that ideas can rapidly be tested in the laboratory and translated to the clinic.
Recognizing the important role of industry in developing new medical technologies, Business Development and Technology Transfer also builds collaborative relationships with innovative companies to evaluate new technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as Parkinson’s, dementia and cancer.
The team performs a range of services for the Institute including:
- Negotiation of collaboration, material transfer, confidentiality and licensing agreements with academic research institutions, universities and industry partners
- Evaluating invention disclosures
- Managing the patent process
- Licensing VAI’s intellectual property and using the revenue to further support our mission
Contact Us
For information on collaborative opportunities, licensing and material transfer agreements (MTAs), please contact us at [email protected].