Mandatory Disclosures
VAI’s Research Protections programs has two complementary missions. The first is to support our scientists and trainees in their efforts to generate new insights and knowledge that will positively impact human health and well-being. The second is to maintain VAI’s culture of compliance — a culture where every aspect of VAI’s research enterprise conforms to the highest levels of ethics and integrity and adheres to all the rules, regulations and policies that govern the conduct of research. It is in pursuit of this second mission that VAI is required to make public disclosures of the following:
Please contact [email protected] with any questions about these documents or to share concerns about any part of VAI’s broader Research Protections program. Concerns may also be reported anonymously and confidentially through the independent, third-party reporting service EthicsPoint.
*To contact Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) for help, please call 616.234.5584 or use the avenues listed above. Contact the HRPP for help if you:
Have general questions about research or your rights
Wish to discuss problems, suggestions, or concerns
If you contact the HRPP, they will take every precaution to maintain your confidentiality. If you report a problem, they might need to reveal your name or other information about you to investigate the problem. A representative from the HRPP will contact you before revealing information about you.