
Instructional Strategies

201 results.

September 5, 2018 Tech Tools that Get Kids to Reflect, Talk, and Learn? Sign Me Up!

What does the word “reflect” mean to you? Maybe it means sitting on top of a mountain with your eyes closed and humming a mantra.…

August 31, 2018 Blow Bubbles When Necessary

I recently stumbled across the #TheMeaningOfLifeIn4Words hashtag, and though I'm a writer and a lover of words, I'm also a fan of simplicity and essence,…

August 7, 2018 We Start with Stars in Our Eyes: A Dear Evan Hansen Back-to-School Guide for Teachers

Let me start by saying, if you have the opportunity to see the Tony-award-winning musical, Dear Evan Hansen, do it. Just do it. You can…

July 30, 2018 Low-cost, super-engaging STEM learning….Yesssss!

Peek into a busy STEM classroom and you may see kids sucking eggs out of bottles, creating fireworks in a jar, or creating spaghetti towers.…

April 13, 2017 The Case for Inquiry

Consider this for a moment. In your classroom, who asks more questions, you or your students? Honestly. We may want an inquiry-based classroom where students…

March 9, 2017 5 Things Your Students Want You to Know (But Will Never Tell You)

Growing up is like growing old… it’s not for the faint of heart. Your body changes without your consent; no one seems to understand you;…

January 5, 2017 Let the Games Begin

The single biggest indication of learning is engagement. The more you can increase engagement, the more you can increase learning. So we must…

November 3, 2016 Be Less Helpful

It goes against everything in our teacher DNA, but sometimes the best thing you can do for your students is to be less helpful.…