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Project-Based Learning

145 results.

December 12, 2018 Student Engagement Strategies

We need to talk about goldfish. Though often considered the most boring of pets, these fascinating little fish actually have a long history of being…

November 13, 2018 Igniting Curiosity in the Classroom

We all know the old saying, “Curiosity killed the cat.” It’s supposed to be a warning against inquisitive thought, a reminder that asking too many…

October 3, 2018 3 Common Math Practices that Need to Die (And What You Can Replace Them With)

Our education system is full of instructional dinosaurs, activities that we do simply because they’ve always been done, for decades, and we can’t imagine classrooms…

September 26, 2018 Thinking Killed the Knowing Star

The world doesn’t care how much you know. It only cares about what you can DO with what you know, how you can apply critical…

February 2, 2018 You Are What You Teach (And You Teach What You Are)

Almost every teacher enters education with an idealistic mindset. We want to make a meaningful difference in the lives of young people. We want to…

November 17, 2017 In Defense of Worksheets

Yes, you read the title right. I’ve spent my career berating worksheets in blogs and tweets, pleading with teachers to move away from “drill-and-kill practices”…

July 11, 2017 When STEM Isn't STEM

Thanks to more publicity of international tests such as PISA and TIMMS, most Americans are now keenly aware that the United States’ test scores lag…

May 25, 2017 One More Smile's All I Can Fake

Let’s be honest. Nobody loves teaching every single day. If you’re lucky, you love teaching most days, but all of us, at some time or…