
Student Engagement

280 results.

October 2, 2020 As Slow as Molasses

Some years ago, I stumbled across an interesting video from a kennel competition. It was one of those events where dogs are required to perform…

September 30, 2020 Teaching the Election

Regardless of which candidate we believe will do the best job running our country, we as educators understand the importance of teaching politics…

September 23, 2020 Two of a Kind

The passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has made me think of Dennis the Menace. There are, famously, two…

September 16, 2020 Just Keep Watering

I’ve always loved flowers. When I lived in Virginia, I would often stop and smell the roses growing near my apartment complex. Now that I’m…

September 9, 2020 Open the Right Door

Amidst the current spate of trapped birds, a woodpecker flew…

September 4, 2020 Words Matter

Some time ago I received a wonderful note from my sister-in-law, Diana. My brother Nick and his wife Diana were expecting their third son in…

September 2, 2020 Never Stop Learning – A Lesson from Bessie Coleman

Not long ago, a helpful stranger sent me a video from the National Aviation Hall of Fame. It told the story…

August 24, 2020 You’re Not Alone

There are very few professions where 90% of what you do is not seen by the person who hired you. However, that is the case…