event tracking

Distance Learning and Technology

124 results.

February 19, 2019 Blue Apple Teacher Feature: Angela Marzilli

The Van Andel Education Institute strives to be a place where teachers of all backgrounds are recognized and empowered. This week marks the third installment…

February 5, 2019 Blue Apple Teacher Feature: Paul Yenne

The Van Andel Education Institute strives to be a place where teachers of all backgrounds are recognized and empowered. Last month, we began highlighting exceptional…

January 22, 2019 Blue Apple Teacher Feature: Tammy Myers

[caption id="attachment_7864" align="alignright" width="200"] Tammy Myers has been a teacher for Nixa Public Schools since 2000.[/caption] The Van Andel Education Institute strives to be a…

November 12, 2018 Igniting Curiosity in the Classroom

We all know the old saying, “Curiosity killed the cat.” It’s supposed to be a warning against inquisitive thought, a reminder that asking too many…