Image of Kristin Gallik

Kristin Gallik, Ph.D.

Core Bioinformatics Scientist, Optical Imaging Core


Dr. Kristin Gallik earned her B.S. in biological sciences at Wayne State University in 2014. Dr. Gallik then completed her Ph.D. at the University of Illinois at Chicago in the Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology/Neuroscience Program. Her research implemented a wide range of imaging techniques from live confocal microscopy to high-pressure freeze/freeze substitution serial transmission electron microscopy. In learning the art of microscopy, Dr. Gallik also discovered her passion for image analysis. Now that she is a part of the Optical Imaging Core at VAI, she spends her time learning new analysis approaches and teaching fellow VAI scientists different methods of quantitative image analysis. She enjoys solving the challenges each data set brings.