Carol Van Andel Angel of Excellence Dinner and Award Presentation

Van Andel Institute is fueled by a deeply-committed network of supporters — philanthropists, volunteers, businesses, and advocates who generously give their time and donations to VAI’s research and education initiatives. Certain community members take extraordinary efforts to support VAI, looking for the best way to make an impact on future generations. The Carol Van Andel Angel of Excellence Dinner & Award Presentation recognizes these efforts, honoring individual, businesses or organizations who relentlessly believe and uphold VAI’s mission.
Guests will be treated to world-class entertainment, an exclusive video presentation, delectable food and drinks, and remarks given by Carol Van Andel and this year’s award recipients.
The evening will also welcome the newest members to VAI’s Leadership and Legacy Societies for 2024. This honor celebrates individuals, schools, organizations, and businesses who have contributed significantly to benefit the Institute’s biomedical research and science education programs.
The Leadership Society commemorates those who have raised more than $10,000 cumulatively and more than $50,000 cumulatively. The Legacy Society honors those who have raised more than $100,000 cumulatively. The Founders Society celebrates those who have raised more than $1,000,000 cumulatively. The names of those inducted into each society are etched into wood blocks that line the walls of the Institute’s lobby.
Please note, this is an invitation-only event.
2024 Carol Van Andel Angel of Excellence Award Recipients
Dennis & Barbara Adama Family
Peter C. & Emajean Cook Foundation
John & Nancy Kennedy
Eve Rogus & Paul Becker Family
Southside Ice Arena Hockey Fights Cancer
- 6:00 - 7:00 pm Cocktail hour
- 7:00 - 7:05 pm Welcome remarks by Maranda
- 7:05 - 7:45 pm Invocation & dinner is served
- 7:45 - 8:30 pm Leadership, Legacy & Founders Society inductees
- Remarks by Carol Van Andel
- Video presentation
- Presentation of Carol Van Andel Angel of Excellence Awards
- 8:30 - 9:00 pm Closing remarks by Maranda
- 9:00 pm Event ends
2024 Founders Society Inductee – $1,000,000
2024 Legacy Society Inductees – ($100,000)
Jerry and Suzanne Callahan
David Wiersema Memorial Golf Outing
Doug and Maria DeVos
John Dykema and Michele Maly-Dykema
Hoffman Jewelers
Hope College
Stephen Klotz
Max Mara USA
Railside Golf Outing
John and Therese Rowerdink
Serendipity Media
Robert* and Greta* Wellington
Greg and Meg Willit
* indicates deceased Legacy Society member
2024 Leadership Society Inductees – ($50,000)
Betz Industries
Dormie Network Foundation
Ferris State University
First National Bank of Michigan
Paul and Rose Heule
Macatawa Bank
MINI on the Mack
Nelson Family Fund within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region
George and Missy Sharpe
Soul Soup Foundation
Allen and Nancy VanderLaan
David and Beth VanPortfliet
Jim* and Mary Workman
* indicates deceased Leadership Society member
2024 Leadership Society Inductees – ($10,000)
John and Mary Amell
Jeff and Gretchen Asfour
Martin and Melissa Balk
Terry Ballard and Leticia Cuadra-Ballard
Judy Bode of My Heart Your Hands
Anne Brennan
Adrian and Heather Butler
Cars Against Cancer, Lakeshore Corvette Club
David and Kerry Clay
Steve and Diane Colvin, in Memory of Marlene Moore
Ryan and Jessica Cook
Michael and Debra Damstra
Dan and Diane Hickey
JCT Foundation
John Ball Zoo
John and Katie Kuiper
Arlyn and Marcia Lanting
Deborah Meijer
Mona Shores High School
David and Angela Muilenberg
Nayar Family Foundation
Dr. Jack and Lija Romence
Sarah J. Rijfkogel Foundation
Scott Group Studio
Jennifer and David Shane
The Jerry and Marcia Tubergen Foundation
Truscott Rossman
Philip and Patricia Van Baren
Vanderhyde Ford, Inc.
John and Vicky Weller
Wicked Pro Events
Event Details
Contact Info:
Email: Sarah Rollman