
Risk-Taking and Perseverance

179 results.

November 21, 2018 No Time for Student Feedback? Fret Not—Here Are Some Quick Tips

Have you ever looked—really looked—at a student’s face after you’ve offered positive feedback on their performance or behavior? I have. It’s unforgettable. In many cases,…

November 7, 2018 The Perseverance of Baby Bear

Thank you Facebook, for greeting me this morning with the most agonizing 3-minute video of a bear cub desperately trying to climb a steep, snowy…

October 3, 2018 3 Common Math Practices that Need to Die (And What You Can Replace Them With)

Our education system is full of instructional dinosaurs, activities that we do simply because they’ve always been done, for decades, and we can’t imagine classrooms…

November 1, 2017 Room to Make a Big Mistake

As teachers, we’re programmed to strive for success. We want our students to take in our lessons, internalize them, and demonstrate their learning in such…

March 9, 2017 5 Things Your Students Want You to Know (But Will Never Tell You)

Growing up is like growing old… it’s not for the faint of heart. Your body changes without your consent; no one seems to understand you;…

February 23, 2017 The Best Laid Lesson Plans

There’s a time and a place for linear thinking. If I’m trying to re-create a recipe exactly, I must follow the steps, precisely, in order.…

February 2, 2017 The Teacher in the Mirror

Almost every teacher enters education with an idealistic mindset. We want to make a meaningful difference in the lives of young people. We want to…

January 26, 2017 Authenticity Sells (In Girl Scout Cookies and in the Classroom)

I look for inspiration to support teachers everywhere, but I never thought I'd find it from a Mike Rowe video in my Facebook feed, but…